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Born in Caracas, Venezuela in 1954, and living in South Florida since 2002. Essentially, a self-taught artist, with no  formal artistic education. He has participated in several workshops: Lithography (Berkeley, California - 1979), Figure Drawing and Painting (​Fort Lauderale, Florida - 2010 to 2012), and Figure Painting with Watercolor (Miami, Florida - 2012).






III Salon de Pintura y Escultura "Pablo Picasso". Collective organized by Ateneo de Caracas and the Spanish Embassy in Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela




I Salon de Pintura y Escultura "Pablo Picasso". Collecetive orgnizaed by Ateneo de Caracas and the Spanish Embassy in Venezuela. Honorable Mention. Caracas, Venezuela

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